For some gorgeous pictures, you must stop by and read Suitcases and Sippy Cups post about their Sunday afternoon visiting Ancient Ruins in Greece. may have to learn to live vicariously through her blog if you have a vacation budget similar to mine, $0.00.

For anyone aspiring to write like me, you may be interested in this great post, "Imagine Your Book As a Movie, by Helen Liabach," from Sugarpeach with encouragement and inspiration to get your current or future book turned into a movie!

Speaking of books, have you noticed the trend in electronic books lately? Come and discuss the disappearance of real books and bookstores over at Keeping Up With The Joneses. Share what trends you are seeing and your love of books!

More books! See how well a day trying to catch up reading goes for Kadbury with her kids, a beach and a thunderstorm over at Kadbury is Thinking Outloud! P.S. it is worth stopping over just to see the pics of her adorable children!

This week at Home Shalom, they highlighted the speech by Glenn Beck from the CUFI Conference in Washington DC. This is a powerful and engaging message, be sure to at least listen to the short version of it!

Stop on by at Jacque's Soda Parlor and see all of the fun vintage recipes and crafts that are in her link-up! She has the cutest blog, make sure to tell her HI from me!
What is food without the well set table? You simply must stop by The Jewish Hostess and see this tablescape for Rosh Hashanah! No matter what religious affiliation you are...I can guarantee you will be amazed and delighted!