Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mom's Record Player

I don't know if anyone else remembers the record player...maybe others had graduated to something else, who knows?  My mother played her record player up until about a decade ago when it went ka-put.  Perhaps my love of music came from the amount of music that my mother played...I am not sure.  To this day I love to play music alot, but with more modern methods such as my Ipod or Pandora.com. 

Here are some classics that Mom would play, do you remember any of these?  What are some of your favorite artists or songs that would play in your home as a child?  As I listen to these artists, I can remember some of the most wonderful memories with my mother.

  ***If you click on the titles, it will lead you to Amazon.com where you can purchase the CD's and bring home your own memories.

This song makes me cry...I still miss my mom.

Top Ten {Tuesday}