Monday, July 11, 2011


For anyone that has been following my feed clicking into this will come as a shock and surprise!  Yes, the name has changed, the look has changed, the reason has changed...everything has changed.  Change can be for the better or it can be for the worse.  These changes are for the better.

Change (n.):  to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone...

For two glorious weeks when I started my previous blog, I was happy to write about what was important to me, things on my mind that needed to be expressed in writing.  I chose to write these ideas in a blog in the hope that I would attract and meet like minded people, connect and form great relationships.  This did not happen.

I allowed fear and intimidation to swallow my blog.  A woman I know, chose to become my blog stalker almost immediately and became the hound of death.  She also employed her friends and family to form an outright attack against my blog through defamation and slander.  Instead of fighting back and sticking to my convictions, I buckled and played the passive piece of road kill.  In the meantime, my blog became a silly trickle of information that did not in anyway reflect the writer.

So, now I am choosing to write as I set out to write once again.  I have a renewed sense of energy and passion to do what it right and be honest and forthcoming with what I believe!  From a silly trickle of information, with these changes, I hope that this blog will become a fountain of genius!

So now I ask you, what do you think?  Do you like the new look?  Let me know your thoughts!