For You They Signed is a history of each of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence. This work has been meticulously researched and lovingly compiled together in a beautiful hardcover book that can be treasured for generations to come. Vision Forum has named this the 2009 Homeschool Resource of the Year and has been lauded by great historians such as David Barton and Bill Potter.
When the doorbell rang and I finally had the box in my hands, I was first of all surprised at the size of the book. Once I opened the package I gasped at the beauty of this book! I have heard it said, “Never judge a book by its cover.” In this case I did and I was not disappointed. In fact I was overwhelmed at the amount of information that is given in this book!
Each of the fifty-six Signers of the Declaration of Independence has their own section and it is broken down into states. There are the most beautiful sketched illustrations of the men and also some of their homes and the vintage quality of the artistry does help add to the magnitude of how important this book really is. You will find some of the most amazing quotes that have been either forgotten in recent times or “revised” to fit certain political agenda.
At the end of each man’s biography there are many discussion questions. These questions will serve well to spur on further research of not only these men, but the times in which they lived. As you read each man’s story you are propelled into another place in time and the gravity of what it meant for each of them to sign the Declaration of Independence (something our society now takes for granted) is very clear. They knew that their lives and the lives of future generations were on the line…yours and mine as well as our children’s.
I would recommend having on hand Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary as you read through this book. First of all, there are some really big words that are not common today. And second of all, most definitions have changed within the last two hundred years. In order to correctly interpret what our Founders were trying to say, please use this dictionary that more closely will relate the meaning behind their own words and not our modern ideas today.
The underlying current throughout this book is very clear. Our founders were not atheists or deists as modern propaganda would have us believe. No, they took faith in G-d very seriously. Were they perfect? No. But, they chose to serve a perfect G-d and form a nation that would preserve His Word for such a time as this. As a nation, we owe it to our founders, ourselves, our children and our G-d to know our history and know the correct history and preserve and defend what is right and true! If there is nothing else that you take away from this today, please remember, it was For You They Signed.
I received this book free from the publisher through the New Leaf Publishing book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”