Friday, May 6, 2011

Roger Sherman

A Man Our Boys Can Learn From

1.  Roger Sherman was born into truly humble beginnings in Newton, Massachusetts on April 19th, 1721.

2.  His father was a farmer of moderate means and unable to give his son an education beyond that in a Parochial School.  He had a hunger to learn and devoted a considerable amount of time to reading and study...rather than his trade of that as a shoemaker.

3. His father died when Roger was only nineteen years of age leaving the care of the large family to him as his older brother was not in the vicinity.  Later they would move to New Milford to be nearer the older brother and young Roger would go into partnership with his older brother as a country merchant.

4. Roger married twice.  His first wife, Elizabeth Hartwell Sherman, bore him seven children and by all accounts was respectable Christian woman, he lost her to death.  Later, he would marry the spunky and patriotic Rebecca Prescott ShermanBesides bearing him eight children, Rebecca helped his political career immensely!  When he was away on business, she was the family manager of a colonial household with many, many children...a feat which few women can handle these days.

5. Despite his humble start in life, he later would become an attorney and be involved in politics as a mayor, Judge, Senator and so forth.  This man, Roger Shermanwas very wise in his words and dealings and distinguished amonst his peers.  He was the only man to sign all four of these documents:
  • The Address To The King
  • The Declaration of Independence
  • The Articles of Confederation
  • The Constitution of the United States
6. Great Quote from Roger Sherman:

"I believe that there is only one living and true God, existing in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.  The same in substance, equal in power and glory.  That the Scriptures of the old and new testaments are a revelation from God and a complete rule to direct us how we may glorify Him and enjoy Him." 
~Roger Sherman

7.  Only the very best of men would have their tomb enscribed with such an excellent epitaph:

In memory of
Mayor of the city of New-Haven,
and Senator of the United States.
He was born at Newton, in Massachusetts,
April 19th, 1721,
And died in -New-Haven, July 23d, A, D. 1793,
aged LXXII.
Possessed of a strong, clear, penetrating mind,
and singular perseverance,
he became the self-taught scholar,
eminent for jurisprudence and policy.
He was nineteen years an assistant,
and twenty-three years a judge of the superior court,
in high reputation.
He was a Delegate in the first Congress,
signed the glorious act of Independence,
and many years displayed superior talents and ability
in the national legislature.
He was a member of the general convention,
approved the federal constitution,
And served his country with fidelity and honour,
in the House of Representatives,
and in the Senate of the United States.
He was a man of approved integrity;
a cool, discerning Judge;
a prudent, sagacious Politician;
a true, faithful, and firm Patriot.
He ever adorned
the profession of Christianity
which he made in youth;
and distinguished through life
for public usefulness,
died in the prospect of a blessed immortality.

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